Hestia Architects have extensive experience of working with Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) and congregations, undertaking quinquennial reports, managing repair projects and assisting communities to facilitate change within their parish churches to support worship and wider community use of these important historic buildings.

Henry Sanders, the Director of Hestia Architects Ltd, is church architect across the Diocese' of Oxford, St Alban’s, Peterborough, Coventry, Worchester, Winchester, Leicester, Ely, Hereford and Guildford. He is a Chartered RIBA Architect, on the register of Architects Accredited in Building Conservation (AABC) and is a SPAB Scholar.

Recent projects undertaken include: repairs to lead, copper, stone slate, tile and asphalt roofs; specialist stone conservation, including at high level; specialist stained glass repairs; medieval wall painting conservation; reordering work; floor repairs and renewal; internal redecoration; structural monitoring; and drainage renewal.

Hestia Architects undertake full professional architectural services which span the full range of consultancy associated with the practice of a Church Architect. These services include: ecclesiastical exemption and faculty jurisdiction rules; undertaking Quinquennial Inspection reports and detailed condition surveys; undertaking feasibility studies; costings exercises; the preparation of documents and drawings for Faculty and Planning Applications; working with the church through the process of developing a project; produce documents and drawings for Building Control Applications; seeking competitive tender prices from consultants and contractors; and undertaking the role of project architect during onsite works.

Our small and skilled professional team mean that we can respond swiftly to urgent situations. Acting as Church Architects, we will seek to build a meaningful and professional relationship with you and your church. We strongly believe in diligently developing a thorough understanding of the history, construction, condition and future needs of the churches in our care; from this position we will work carefully with you to develop projects that are tailored to addressing the key issues.

As a practice we treat our work upon churches as a form of vocation which we undertake with the utmost respect for the spiritual essence of our great sacred buildings. We will look after your church in a manner that does justice to the original craftsman’s work, and celebrates the spiritual value of your church as the centre of your community now, over the preceding centuries and for the centuries to come.



St Nicholas'

In 2021 we were appointed as inspecting architect to this fine Heritage at Risk church.

  • Quinquennial Inspection.
  • Proposals for repairs.

St Mary's

We were appointed in June 2021 to undertake Covid Recovery Funded works to this Heritage at Risk church for the Friends of Friendless Churches. The works were completed within one year of appointment.

  • New roof coverings.
  • Structural repairs to roofs
  • New drainage works.
  • Internal redecoration.
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